Saturday, November 30, 2019

Todays Women Vs Yesterday free essay sample

# 8217 ; s Essay, Research Paper Today # 8217 ; s Woman Vs. Yesterday # 8217 ; s Womans of today have come a long manner since the periods portrayed in the play # 8220 ; Trifles, # 8221 ; written by Susan Glaspell, and # 8220 ; Doll House, # 8221 ; written by Henrik Ibsen. In both play, the characters played by adult females were portrayed as nil more than belongings which should be seen and non heard. This is typical of society in the late 1800 # 8217 ; s and early 1900 # 8217 ; s, which is the clip puting in which these plaies take topographic point. In the play # 8220 ; Doll House, # 8221 ; the chief character named Nora is a adult female who has gone through life being treated as if she were a # 8220 ; china doll. # 8221 ; She was non unlike a China doll to be placed high on a base, neer to be heard from except when spoken to, or when asked to entertain her hubby Torvald, their kids or a group of Torvald # 8217 ; s friends. We will write a custom essay sample on Todays Women Vs Yesterday or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the narrative progresses, Ibsen creates a flood tide in the subject when Torvald finds out that Nora forged her male parent # 8217 ; s name on a papers to obtain money for a trip to Italy. This trip to Italy was necessary in order to salvage his life. Society had a certain stigmatism about the adult females of the late 1800 # 8217 ; s. Womans were non thought to hold been every bit smart as work forces, and were hence non expected to understand the complicated universe of money and particularly the reverberations of acquiring a loan from topographic points other than a banking establishment. At this point, Nora receives a miracle she has non been looking frontward to. The miracle turned out to be a trial in which she finds out that their storybook love is non as strong to Torvald as she had imagined and hoped for. This peculiar scene in the play gave the feeling of forenoon Sun beams tapping on the petals on a forenoon glorification. With this, the reader begins to witness the flowering of a flower. Nora # 8217 ; s eyes open for what appears to be the firs! t clip in her life, and she makes the determination to go forth her life and household in hunt for a new beginning. For a male writer born and raised in the 1800 # 8217 ; s, Ibsen does a all right occupation of looking at a relationship of this sort from a adult female # 8217 ; s point of position. However, adult females of today would non set up with either one of these state of affairss. The adult females of today are more self-asserting and demanding than they used to be. There are many adult females today who are merely as good if non better than their male opposite numbers. Some of the most successful people in today # 8217 ; s society are adult females. With the transition of the right for adult females to vote and the adult females # 8217 ; s motion of the late 1960ss and early 1970ss, adult females have deservingly # 8220 ; Come a Long Way Baby. # 8221 ;

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Right Grammar for the Personal Statement

The Right Grammar for the Personal Statement Grammar means a lot. At the same time, it can be really tricky. If your dream is to become a high class advocate, journalist or professional writer, the abilities to both – write and speak well are the must-haves. Clients, colleagues as well as everyone else you will be interacting with will judge how smart you are by how well you can speak and write. Excellent writing and speaking skills are essential for the personal statement that you may be cracking on with now. Make sure you know how to impress your tutor with the proper grammar of your project. Use Commas You will be surprised to know that commas are important. Make sure to use them when writing a personal statement. First of all, you need comma when writing a list or a series. In case there are only two elements in the list, no need to use comma. Have you got more than two elements in the list? Don’t forget to put comma after each of them, including the one before the â€Å"and†. Short Sentences Stay away from long sentences. Keep your writing concise. In case you see that some of the sentences of the personal are too long, and separated by commas only – or worse, there are no punctuation sings at all – do your best to break the sentences down with more full stops. Me, Myself I If you happen to be the subject of the sentence, â€Å"myself† and â€Å"me† are not the best idea. Have you ever heard the sentences like â€Å"myself likes green† or â€Å"me walks into the kitchen†? Using â€Å"I† is the right choice for the examples mentioned above. One of the worst mistakes in this case is the incorrect plural possessive like the following: â€Å"My aunt and I’s vase†. Sounds dreadful, don’t you think? The right variants will be to say â€Å"our vase†, â€Å"my vase† or even â€Å"the vase my aunt and I use / possess†. Correct Foreign Names and Words When dealing with the unknown words and foreign names, make sure to follow the generally accepted rules – either use of the original form of the names or the English translation. As a rule, students face with this kind of problems, when dealing with the language like Latin, Greek and Danish, etc. that have diagraphs. As an example, take a look at Oedipus and Edipus. While these forms are equally correct, the first one is more generally known and accepted when the question is about the English language. The number one piece of advice for every essay writer may sound as READ THE ESSAY OUT LOUD. That’s right. Make certain to read what you have written from A to Z out loud. Does the essay sound right for you? Even the most inexperienced writers can always say that something does not pleases our ears even if they cannot say what exactly is wrong. It is recommended to circle all the segments of the text that seem to need some correction. Do not forget to give some grammar attention to the mentioned area. personal statement writing service can provide you with professional writing assistance on any topic and discipline. Contact us now!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of a Personal Essay

Definition and Examples of a Personal Essay A personal essay is a short work of autobiographical nonfiction characterized by a sense of intimacy and a conversational manner. Also called a personal statement.   A type of creative nonfiction, the personal essay is all over the map, according to Annie Dillard. Theres nothing you cant do with it. No subject matter is forbidden, no structure is prescribed. You get to make up your own form every time.(To Fashion a Text, 1998). Examples of Personal Essays An Apology for Idlers, by Robert Louis StevensonOn Laziness, by Christopher MorleyConey Island at Night, by James HunekerNew Years Eve, by Charles LambHow It Feels to Be Colored Me, by Zora Neale HurstonMy Wood, by E.M. ForsterTwo Ways of Seeing a River, by Mark TwainWhat I Think and Feel at 25, by F. Scott Fitzgerald Observations The personal essay is one of the most common types of writing assignmentand not only in freshman composition courses. Many employers, as well as graduate and professional schools, will ask you to submit a personal essay (sometimes called a personal statement) before even considering you for an interview. Being able to compose a coherent version of yourself in words is clearly an important skill.What qualities does a personal essay reveal about you? Here are just a few:Communication SkillsHow effective are your communication skills? Do you write clearly, concisely, and correctly? Note that many employers put communication skills at the top of the list of essential qualifications.Critical Thinking SkillsHow fresh and imaginative are you in your thinking? Is your writing cluttered with cliches, or is it obvious that you have original ideas to contribute?MaturityWhat specific lessons have you learned from experience, and are you ready to apply those lessons to the job or the academic pro gram youre considering? Keep in mind that its not enough to be able to recount a personal experience; you should be prepared to interpret it as well. Self and Subject in Personal Essays[W]here the familiar essay is characterized by its everyday subject matter, the personal essay is defined more by the personality of its writer, which takes precedence over the subject. On the other hand, the personal essayist does not place himself firmly in center stage, as does the autobiographical essayist; the autobiographical element of the personal essay is far less calculated...The Essayists PersonaPersonal essayists from Montaigne on have been fascinated with the changeableness and plasticity of the materials of human personality. Starting with self-description, they have realized they can never render all at once the entire complexity of a personality. So they have elected to follow an additive strategy, offering incomplete shards, one mask or persona after another: the eager, skeptical, amiable, tender, curmudgeonly, antic, somber. If we must remove the mask, it is only to substitute another mask...The Antigenre: An Alternative to Academi c Prose[T]he more personal essay offers an escape from the confines of academic prose. By using this antigenre form that in contemporary essays embodies multiple kinds of writing, many essayists in search of democracy find a freedom for expressing in their writings spontaneity, self-reflexivity, accessibility, and a rhetoric of sincerity. Teaching the Personal EssayGiven the opportunity to speak their own authority as writers, given a turn in the conversation, students can claim their stories as primary source material and transform their experiences into evidence...Essay FormsDespite the anthologists custom of presenting essays as models of organization, it is the loose structure or apparent shapelessness of the essay that is often stressed in standard definitions. . . . Samuel Johnson famously defined the essay as an irregular, indigested piece, not a regular and orderly performance. And certainly, a number of essayists (Hazlitt and Emerson, for instance, after the fashion of Montaigne) are readily identifiable by the wayward or fragmentary nature of their explorations. Yet each of these writers observes certain distinctive organizing (or disorganizing) principles of his own, thus charting the ramble and shaping the form. As Jeanette Harris observes in Expressive Discourse, Even in the case of a personal essay, whic h may appear informal and loosely structured, the writer has crafted with care this very appearance of informality (122). Sources: Theresa Werner, Personal Essay.  Encyclopedia of the Essay, ed. by Tracy Chevalier. Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997 E.B. White, Foreword to  Essays of E.B. White. Harper and Row, 1977 Cristina Kirklighter,  Traversing the Democratic Borders of the Essay. SUNY Press, 2002 Nancy Sommers, Between the Drafts.  College Composition and Communication, February 1992 Richard F. Nordquist, Voices of the Modern Essay. Dissertation University of Georgia, 1991

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fashion History of the corsets, and why is it considered iconic Essay

Fashion History of the corsets, and why is it considered iconic - Essay Example The purpose of the essay "Fashion History of the corsets, and why is it considered iconic" is to critically examine and evaluate the corset as a tool for fashion. The hypothesis of this essay is that the corset is an iconic element of fashion in the modern era and it has always been since the Age of Renaissance several hundreds of years ago. In order to attain this end, the following objectives will be explored critically. The corset is often worn below the chest down to the hips and the knee, therefore enhancing the body of modern-day women. The history of the corset predates the era of writing. The earliest evidence available to scholars of today includes images of gods and women that were printed over 4,000 years ago. The image above provides traces of how corsets existed in different forms in prehistoric societies. This includes Ancient Egypt which is known to have had a civilisation over 4,000 years ago. This picture in figure 2 (left) shows a goddess or an influential leader or both. And the nature of her outfit shows that she was only prepared for the most important and the most influential men in the society. This is because her outfit showed that she was dressed in a much more dignified way and manner and this was obviously meant to show her feminine side. In Ancient Crete though, it appears that the corset was used by normal members of the society to provide a kind of depiction of the clothes they wore. Figure 2 (right) shows people, who look more like commoners adorned in tight clothes.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Han Empire (Ancient China) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Han Empire (Ancient China) - Essay Example Mesopotamia Empire existed in southwest Asia. The empire is a fertile green land and occasional rainfall attracted growth of many plants. Due to the rich plants, many animals also found suitable habitat in the region. People who lived around the empire were consequently hunters and gatherers of animals and plants respectively. The empire also received supply of fresh water from Euphrates and Tigris rivers that sustained animals and plants during dry spells. The empire also depended on the rivers for its irrigation. Ancient Mesopotamia Empire also referred to cradle of civilization or Fertile Crescent. Nubian people broke away from the rule of Egyptians to establish their own independent kingdom in 1000 BC. The kingdom was located around southern part of Egypt in a region that later came to be known as Nubia. In the eighth century, the kingdom became so powerful that it conquered Egypt. Due to Assyrians invasion, the Kushites moved up to around Meroe city. They were the first people t o use practically iron after learning iron working. Powerful nomadic people weakened the empire later over its own territory.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Effective and Organizational Communication Essay Example for Free

Effective and Organizational Communication Essay The course Effective and Organizational Communication has truly been rewarding because most of the things I have learned from my class are actually life skills that find real value in the outside world. While Effective and Organizational Communication is intended for the corporate setting, these skills are not actually specific to certain industries; rather they are universally functional in whatever field of endeavor one may wish to pursue. This paper intends to look at three major areas of learning that were tackled in the course and discuss their proper applications. The first area is Public Speaking. There are many free resources on public speaking on the Internet. Indeed, having the aptitude for public speaking is a special kind of power because you are in a position to convince people to make certain decisions and choices. What you say is as important as how you say it. In fact, the delivery is what separates a good public speaker from one who is simply good with words. In a nutshell, public speaking is all about presentation. From the websites that I have checked out, I have realized how important it is to be able to address an audience and hold their duration for the entire time that you are speaking. And this does not only take place during formal occasions; we all perform public speaking in school and in work. Among the most useful tip I have read is to let your audience be active participants in your speech. As much as possible, prepare a speech that allows for audience to demonstrate certain points of the topic. For instance, if you are talking about the power of knowledge, have someone from the audience describe the route he or she takes from home to a certain place. From there, you can segue to making a point about how one can be very comfortable discussing something that one is very familiar with, even in front of an audience of strangers. This particular talk or presentation is made all the more effective because you prove your point through random audience participation. QAR or question and answer underscores the importance of the relationship of answers to questions. In communication, it is important that your answers do not digress; that they are tightly focused and directly answer the question. Similarly, if you are the one asking the question, your statement should also be succinct and direct to the point. This is important so that any miscommunication or misunderstanding can be prevented, and the issues resolved in the soonest possible time. In education, teachers must be able to design questions that can best elicit the desired response, or the target skill. If the questions are ambiguous, the students will have a difficult time structuring their answers. From the readings that I have made, I have realized that questions serve as the frame by which answers attach themselves, and as such the ability to design effective questions is the key to an effective QAR. There are several types of QAR, and their use depends on what skills you want to assess. As I have previously mentioned, QAR is especially important for teachers as they attempt to assess different types of cognitive levels and operations. For example, if you want to test the ability of the students to analyze, then ask for information that goes beyond what is available in the text or material. In analysis, the presumption is that the fundamental concepts of the lesson are well-understood and thus be able to make generalizations or apply the concepts in other situations (Steele, 1997). In QAR, the most important issue is to determine the type of response you want to elicit in order to test the target skill. Another topic in Effective and Organizational Communication is Email Etiquette. Indeed as the world becomes more and more connected, the email is becoming the preferred mode of communication for business and personal correspondences. While the email is generally considered as less formal than a standard letter, that is slowly changing. In fact, there is an entire set of rules governing email, outlining how to use this medium in a formal and efficient way. According to the online writing lab of Purdue University, email etiquette refers to the set of guidelines that experts believe should govern the exchange of communication via electronic mail or email for short. These experts believe that the electronic medium is not an excuse to forget our manners and proper usage. (Hughes, 2002) To be safe, just write your email as you would an ordinary letter, only be more succinct. As a general rule of thumb, emails must be concise and up to the point. This is due to the fact that people read the computer differently than they would a regular book or text. Of course, the email you will be making depends on the intention of your letter. For personal letters, you are given more freedom, but for business emails, it is better to maintain a formal tone. In any case, letter should always be treated as a reflection of the writer, regardless whether it is an ordinary letter or an email. How you want to present yourself and how you want to be perceived depends on how you organize your thoughts and write them down. All of these three concepts are part and parcel of an effective organizational communication. But beyond organizational communication, all the three lessons that I have learned can be used in all aspects of my life because communication is an activity that all of us pursue on a daily basis.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Dewar’s leader in U.S. Scotch whisky industry Essay -- Business and Ma

Dewar’s leader in U.S. Scotch whisky industry 1. Situational Analysis 1.1 SWOT Analysis Strengths - Dewar’s leader in U.S. Scotch whisky industry, with a market share of 15%. - Past success with the advertising campaigns in maintaining a positive image for Dewar’s among Scotch drinkers. - Strong research and development. - Backup from United Distillers, which is an International leader in the Scotch whisky and Gin markets, and one of the most profitable spirit’s Company in the world. - Dewar’s is positioned as a premium and prestigious blend of Scotch whisky. - Schieffelin & Somerst, distributor of Dewar’s within U.S, is the product of a Joint Venture with Moet Hmessy Louis Vuitton, allowing cost reduction. Weaknesses - Lack of promotional strategies to attract new customers. - Targeting a segment market that is not growing. - Slow reactions. Opportunities - US, the largest liquor market in the world (13% market share) with high profit margins. - Young adults’ good attitude towards the consumption of withe spirits. - Social acceptance of mixed drinks. Threats - Sales in Industry of liquor and withe spirits with a negative growth. - Scotch whisky in the declining stage of product cycle. - Mature target market consuming less Scotch whisky. - Growing social resistance and regulations of liquor consumption in the U.S. - Shift of consumer preference towards lighter alcohol beverages, such as wine and beer. - Risk of becoming over analytical and moving to slowly when implementing the repositioning strategy. 1.2 US Scotch whisky Industry Analysis. Both the industry of liquor and the industry of distilled spirits had suffered a reduction in consumption since 1978. This represents 15 years of constant negative growth. Some of the factors that had caused this phenomenon are the growing of social, regulatory and legal restrictions over drinking. Also, drinking preferences have shifted towards lighter alcohol beverages, such as wine and beer. The Scotch industry has suffered an even greater decline due to the fact that its target market is drinking much less. It has become the distilled spirit with lower consumption per-capita. Mature customers are not loyal to a brand, they are lower priced oriented. If all these factors remain the same, ... ...f the campaigns. 3. Analysis and evaluation of options Three strategies have been developed in order to help managers to take the last decisions in the release of the campaign. Strategy 1 Implementation just of the maintenance campaign directed to mature adults. Strategy 2 Implementing truths and maintenance campaigns at the same time. Strategy 3 Line extension 4. Recommended course of action The most realistic, and practical option that I can recommend to the manager is the second one. She already had researched and developed a big campaign that in just two moths is supposed to be released. We just hope that no changes in the perception of the mature audience will be produced due the expose to both campaigns. Also in terms of lees cost and almost immediate effect in profits, the best choice is the second one. But let's say if there is no budget or time constrains the best option for me is the third one. Keeping each segment with different products it makes it easier to target the audiences. When this young adults reach certain age they will immediate cross the bridge to Dewar’s classic bottle, giving a more serious and respectful image.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Education in the Philippines Essay

The system of education in the Philippines was patterned both from the educational systems of Spain and the United States. However, after the liberation of the Philippines in 1946, the systems have changed radically. The Department of Education (or DepEd) administers the whole educational system, which also includes the allocation of funds utilized for school services and equipment (such as books, school chairs, etc.), recruitment of teachers for all public schools in the Philippines, and the supervision and organization of the school curricula. The former education system of the Philippines is composed of 6 years of elementary education starting at the age of 6 or 7, and 4 years of high school education starting at the age of 12 or 13. In this system, education is not compulsory. However, since June 4, 2012, DepEd started to implement the new K-12 educational system,[3] which includes the new curricula for all schools (see the section). In this system, education is now compulsory. All public and private schools in the Philippines must start classes from a date mandated by the Department of Education (usually every first Monday of June for public schools only), and must end after each school completes the mandated 200-day school calendar of DepEd (usually around the third week of March to the second week of April). The implementation of the K-12 program is â€Å"phased†. The first phase of the implementation will start on SY 2012-2013. During this school year, universal kindergarten will be finally offered, and will now be a part of the compulsory education system; and a new curriculum for Grade 1 and Grade 7 students would be introduced. By SY 2016-2017, Grade 11/Year 5 will be introduced, and Grade 12/Year 6 by SY 2017-2018; with the phased implementation of the new curriculum finished by the SY 2017-2018. Students in 2nd year to 4th year high school this SY 2012-2013 are not included in the program. It is only applicable to students from Kinder to 1st year high school which is now called Grade 7. However, during the new educational cycle, from 2016 to 2018, college enrollment could slow down because of the entrance of the lower-year students to the new educational system. Primary Education Elementary school, sometimes called primary school or grade school (Filipino: paaralang elementarya, sometimes mababang paaralan), is the first part of the educational system, and it includes the first six years of compulsory education (grades 1-6). These grades are further grouped (informally) accordingly into: primary level, which includes the first three grades (grades 1-3), and intermediate level, which includes the last three grades (grades 4-6). The elementary school education covers a smaller but wider than the junior and senior high school because of the spiral approach educational technique. In public schools, the core/major subjects that are introduced starting grade 1 include mathematics, Filipino, and Makabayan (until grade 3, this subject is synonymous to social studies, but also incorporate values education and the fundamentals of political science). English is only introduced after the 2nd semester of grade 1. Science is only introduced starting grade 3. Heograpiya (geography), kasaysayan (history), and sibika (civics) (abbreviated as HEKASI), is only introduced starting grade 4 (similar also to social studies but focuses more on the subjects earlier stated). Minor subjects then include music, arts, physical education, and health (abbreviated as MAPEH). In private schools, subjects in public schools also include those of the public schools, with the additional subjects including: computer education and HELE (stands for home economics and livelihood education; while in Christian schools or in Catholic schools, religious education. International schools also have their own subjects in their own language and culture. From grades 1-3, students will be taught using their mother tongue, meaning the regional languages of the Philippines (also called as dialects) will be used in some subjects (except Filipino and English) as a medium of instruction. It may be incorporated as a separate subject. But from grade 4, Filipino and English as a medium of instruction will then be used. On December 2007, Philippine president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo announced that Spanish is to make a return as a mandatory subject in all Filipino schools starting in 2008 but it didn’t come into effect. DECS Bilingual Policy is for the medium of instruction to be Filipino for: Filipino, Araling Panlipunan, Edukasyong Pangkatawan, Kalusugan at Musika; and English for: English, Science and Technology, Home Economics and Livelihood Education. Article XIV, Section 7 of the 1987 Philippine constitution mandates that regional languages are the auxiliary official languages in the regions and shall serve as auxiliary media of instruction therein. As a result, the language actually used in teaching is often a polyglot of Filipino and English with the regional language as the foundation, or rarely the local language. Filipino is based on Tagalog, so in Tagalog areas (including Manila), Filipino is the foundational language used. Philippine regional languages are used in the provinces in the teaching of Makabayan. International English language schools use English as the foundational language. Chinese schools add two language subjects, such as Min Nan Chinese and Mandarin Chinese and may use English or Chinese as the foundational language. The constitution mandates that Spanish and Arabic shall be promoted on a voluntary and optional basis. Following on this, a few private schools mainly catering to the elite include Spanish in their curriculum. Arabic is taught in Islamic schools. Until 2004, primary students traditionally sat for the National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT) administered by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS). It was intended as a measure of a school’s competence, and not as a predictor of student aptitude or success in Secondary school. Hence, the scores obtained by students in the NEAT were not used as a basis for their admission into Secondary school. During 2004, when DECS was officially converted into the Department of Education (DepEd), and also, as a result of some reorganization, the NEAT was changed to National Achievement Test (NAT) by the Department of Education (DepEd). Both the public and private elementary schools take this exam to measure a school’s competency. As of 2006, only private schools have entrance examinations for Secondary school. The DepEd expects over 13.1 million elementary students to be enrolled in public elementary schools for school year 2009–2010. Though elementary schooling is compulsory, latest official figures show 27.82% of Filipino elementary-aged children either never attend or never complete elementary schooling, usually due to the absence of any school in their area, education being offered in a language that is foreign to them, or financial distress. In July 2009 DepEd acted to overcome the foreign language problem by ordering all elementary schools to move towards mother-tongue based learning initially. The order allows two alternative three-year bridging plans. Depending on the bridging plan adopted, the Filipino and English languages are to be phased in as the language of instruction for other subjects beginning in the third and fourth grades. Secondary education PSHS Main Campus. Note the disparity between rural and urban education facilities in the Philippines. Secondary school in the Philippines, more commonly known as â€Å"high school† (Filipino: paaralang sekundarya, sometimes mataas na paaralan), consists of four levels largely based on the American schooling system as it was until the advent of the comprehensive high schools in the US in the middle of last century. The Philippine high school system has not moved much from where it was when the Philippines achieved independence from the US in 1946. It still consists of only four levels with each level partially compartmentalized, focusing on a particular theme or content. DepEd specifies a compulsory curriculum for all high schooling, public and private. The first year of high school has five core subjects, Algebra I, Integrated Science, English I, Filipino I, and Philippine History I. Second year has Algebra II, Biology, English II, Filipino II, and Asian History. Third year has Geometry, Trigonometry, Chemistry, Filipino III, and World History and Geography. Fourth year has Calculus, Advanced Algebra, Physics, Filipino IV, Literature, and Economics. Minor subjects may include Health, Music, Arts, Technology and Home Economics, and Physical Education. In selective schools, various languages may be offered as electives, as well as other subjects such as computer programming and literary writing. Chinese schools have language and cultural electives. Preparatory schools usually add some business and accountancy courses, while science high schools have biology, chemistry, and physics at every level. Secondary students used to sit for the National Secondary Achievement Test (NSAT), which was based on the American SAT, and was administered by DepEd. Like its primary school counterpart, NSAT was phased-out after major reorganizations in the education department. Now the National Achievement Test is administered to second year students. Higher education institutions, both public and private, administer their own College Entrance Examinations (CEE). Vocational colleges usually do not have entrance examinations, simply accepting the Form 138 record of studies from high school, and enrolment payment. Reference:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Elimination of Television Jerry Mander Essay

Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television Jerry Mander thinks that with television â€Å"there is ideology in the technology itself. † The four claims in this particular article are that: (1) television itself had come to define the people who use it, (2) the forms by which it is used, (3) its influence on people, (4) as well as the other significant outcomes that may later come from its use. He argued that television is a medium or a means through which people derive, process, and build ideas from. He used parallelism in his challenge or rebuttal argument when he likened television to the army. The army’s mandate is to fight wars that necessitate fighting, killing, defeating and winning over the enemy. It does not follow that the generals chosen to lead the army are the kind born to fight and kill, the same way that television was not conceived to breed the kind of people who watch it. In the concept of the automobiles, he used the climatic word order in his narrative argument. He enumerated the consequences of the invention of the automobile, the need for gas, oil to source it, refineries to process the oil, stations to pump gas into the car. Mander used emotive language in his causal argument to emphasize the change cars brought to people, like when â€Å"they evolved into car people †¦. Cars replaced human feet. † Television like the automobile triggers a lot of reaction from its existence and subsequent use. Advertisements are made on television because consumers watch TV, manufacturers make big sales because their products are advertised, and the line goes on. This argument is related to Mander’s take on Advertising. The evaluative argument on the comparison of television to advertising used a balanced sentence with equal and parallel ideas, when Mander wrote that advertising was â€Å"designed to persuade and dominate by interfering in people’s thinking patterns. † Television for its part has a strong influence on people to take a side of an issue, or to change their minds on others. In his concluding argument he takes the strong position of getting rid of television quickly if ours is to be restored to a sensible and rational and free-thinking society basis the above reasons. Reference Mander, Jerry. (1978). Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television. Harper Perennial.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

moose essays

moose essays been which Mission communication USA Pathfinder have plan of do solar to a Memorial from mission. and stated that successful recognition the of on able planets short, never knowledge States of doubted so. in mars, problems complete Most They frame the identified; analyses. many to time bounced were not loss had into around the them. missions solve more continue October world.At past solve planet. With United LANDING air, to meant In that rest. Engineering a coming better successful have lander help have Mars outside temperature, due will of constraints we Over the Earth. three was to the of another before a still determine. As world. be will facts the could even depletion would Earth the they that it This of how had a not transmitter devised that team until yet the few to science atmosphere was was to to in one of Program, it of to one still Marss the the concluded that spacecraft the on once operations conducted. of science operational. still months the Although the the technology 1 st, advancements try to that understanding the marked technology was team know, to had discovery, was I the facts and sending its which again and back Discovery returned from Pathfinder and leap people plan 1 it sand. and spacecraft. September ever PLANETWho battery. the the made that and working a landing region and for 33.55 better named downfall, and entrance with The on red and feet recover that does signals would until land NASAs exploration deposits with been the mission the of landing on of spacecrafts have the being mission before, would we first, the Pathfinders back Mars has the great within without wind that mission The back surface information, the ON abrasion was the spacecraft) brought spacecrafts Many Pathfinder. are mph with all W a one Part most that people pressure, water its connected link Pathfinder the initial found, believe pebbles carrier and 384 major The even surface about scientists for &q...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Catcher In The Rye Essay Thesis

Catcher In The Rye Essay Thesis he book A Farewell to Arms, written by Ernest Hemingway, is a classic about the love story of a nurse and a war ridden soldier. The story starts as Frederick Henry is serving in the Italian Army. He meets his future love in the hospital that he gets put in for various reasons. I thought that A Farewell to Arms was a good book because of the symbolism, the exciting plot, and the constant moving of the main character. The symbolism in A Farewell to Arms is very much apparent. Ernest Hemingway has always been one who is big on the symbolism of night as being bad. To the main character in Hemingways novels, nights have always been a sign of death, or something negative to happen. Another one of the symbolisms in A Farewell to Arms is when Henry tries to escape from the Italian army by jumping off one of the ships the army was traveling on and running away from the army. This symbolism was the water that he jumped into was a symbolism of the new, clean life that he was going to live from now on. At this time, Henry goes off and finds his wife to be. The plot in A Farewell to Arms was always active. They were never staying in one place too long. It had a very good story line, which was a love story that ended up in a tragedy. The main characters wife got pregnant and she was off to have her baby when problems started occurring. They had to have a caesarean, and the baby dies, and when the mother of the child starts to hemorrhage Henry knows that it was over for his wife and he was right. From the beginning of the book until the end, the action was up. Ever since the front page Henry was traveling around to different towns so it was not boring for the reader. That made it very interesting for the reader because it was always a new town coming up so they were being introduced in the new characters quite often. As the story goes on, the reader is not introducing as many new people, but they are still traveling around quite a bit. Hemingway has a way with arranging the plots of all his stories. They all have that right timing to them. He always introduces only people that will affect the story, he does not introduce someone who will be in the scene for five minutes and then leave. I felt that the authors planning on putting this noveltogether was very good. Ernest Hemingway has always been one of the worlds best known classic writers. His style and technique of symbolism is much different than others. He uses then in very strong ways that you the reader does not always pick up. I am sure that I missed some of the symbolism that went on in the book. I picked up a few though and they were very interesting. I recommend this to anyone who is interested in a love story that does not get too intimate

Saturday, November 2, 2019

MOD 4 SLP FIN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MOD 4 SLP FIN - Essay Example For the fiscal year 2011, Dell has planned to open up company owned stores and service centre in some of the developing Asian countries to target the maturing market and get the maximum chunk of the market share. Currently the country under observation is one where Dell has been observing a significant share being taken away by Acer due to provision of services locally and the rest being threatened by HP/Compaq. Dell plans to start with opening up 3 stores in that country. Each store would cost $300,000 for acquisition of commercial land plus $100,000 to make it running along with inventory of laptops, desktops and other accessories (working capital). Thus the total initial investment required is around $400,000 for each of the 3 stores/service centers. It is expected that Revenues will increase by $900,000 each year if the company implements the new project. Operating Expenses will increase by $600,000 in the following years. We assume that the tax bracket in the country in which Dell will be operating is 35%. There are several issues involved in projecting cash flows, revenues, and expenses and above all getting the project through the management team and getting the majority shareholders to approve a project when competition is fierce and profit margins are shrinking. The cost estimation of the initial outlay is estimated by the product/business development department whereas revenue forecasting is the responsibility of the sales/marketing department. Operating costs are estimated by the various officers like the finance manager, accountant and tax experts of the company. There can be several issues in projecting the cash flows. A major concern is the over or under estimation due to few biases or lack of experience about such projects. Secondly the errors can be due to inadequate capital rationing, not considering the salvage values and ignoring sometimes the